Saturday, August 31, 2019


I have to start this out by saying that Julia Roberts is one of my favorite female actors around today. This particular movie that she is in, Erin Bronchi, is when Julia Roberts was In her prime Erin has been divorced twice and is a gorgeous mother of three In her thirties. Erin starts out Jobless and In a very messy court case the resulted from an unclear car accident. The accident put her $17,000 In debt due to her hospital bills and of course the car.Due to Rein's current circumstances, she is desperate for a job so she begs her lawyer until he finally caves in and gives her a low paying job as a lawful associate in a California firm. Erin dresses very trashy and she speaks her mind, which is actually quite inappropriate at times. But none the less, one day at work she was sorting paperwork relating to real estate cases, Erin stumbles on to some medical records in a file that she was organizing.On the spur of the moment, she carries out a little exploring which results In her beli eving that the and that was bought by Pacific Gas and Electric is the identical property that had hexameter chromium contamination resulting from Pacific Gas and Electrics environmentally negligent activities. Hexameter chromium is a toxic and deadly chemical that causes cancer. If you think that's bad it gets worse by targeting the kidneys, eyes respiratory system, skin and liver. It Is estimated that 558,000 workers are potentially exposed to hexameter chromium In the united States.To make matters even worse, the Pacific Gas and Electric company was handing out pamphlets hat said that hexameter chromium was healthy for you. After all of these discoveries, the Pacific Gas and Electric company was immediately taken to trial. Due to Rein's curiosity, she decides to take trip to do some investigating on her discovery for an entire week. She only left a message to her lawyer saying that she wasn't going to make It work for a week and then left without a response. On her arrival back to town and back to her Job, she learns quickly that she has been fired to her lack of communication.Being the outgoing person that Erin is, she threw a tornado of wears and profound language, making her boss even more upset. Eventually though as the evidence piles up, boss starts to believe that she is on to something and starts to work with her again. Once they got enough supporting evidence they took it to the judge and to make matters even worse, they found that the Pacific Gas and Electric company was handing out pamphlets that said that hexameter chromium was healthy for you. After all of these discoveries, the Pacific Gas and Electric companies Coo's and head guys were immediately taken to trial.This case at his has point become everything to Erin and not to mention Deed Massy her boss. They are literally working night and day on this case causing Erin to lose touch with her kids and her caring boyfriend. As the days go on and the more that Erin continues to be distant from her kids, the more her oldest child started to despise her. She his mother (Erin), he Just so happened to come across the documents for the Pacific Gas and Electric company that talk about a child around the same age as him that is very ill.He knows that all of his moms work can aid this poor kid. He then asked his other about what he had found and she pleasantly explains it too him. Upon realization, Rein's son finally understands the importance of her work. Erin is not pleased when she finds out that Deed has brought a new partner into the equation, Kurt Potter, an expert in toxic cases. This anger didn't last long once Deed bought Erin a new car for her family. This Just boosted her hopes. At this point they were about two hundred and fifty signatures short.Once they got the remaining signatures needed it was time to present Kurt with the good news along with incriminating letters from he Pacific Gas and Electric company to the Hinkler plant. Rein's work has finally paid off. She to ok this court case all the way to the Judicial branch where her firm gets to win one of the most prevalent class action lawsuits in American history in opposition to a multi-billion dollar corporation. Rein's case ended up winning three hundred and thirty-three million dollars. The Sense's (a family infected with the disease got to receive five million dollars.In the end, Deed decides to give Erin a little scare by saying hat the value that they discussed Erin would receive from this case is not appropriate anymore. Erin is furious at this point until Deed goes on to show her the check for two million dollars! This movie was very inspirational to me. This beautiful mother who starts out begging for mercy works all the way up to win one of the biggest lawsuits for her firm. Erin is unbelievable and not to mention that she didn't even go to college. She Just kept fighting and fighting even though she knew it was putting stress on the people she cared most about. The passion this woman shows is remarkable.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Improving Study Habits Essay

â€Å"The greatest time saver is being organized. Establish routines that go like clockwork.† Maximizing time makes an individual productive. Personal time management is organizing and managing according to personal priorities, to get where one wants to go. Those who use this technique are the highest achievers in all walks of life. The interesting and essential step in beginning to manage time more effectively is to identify how time is being spent, because only through examining, one can begin to set priorities, eliminate time barriers and aids to better time management. In the course of Bachelor of Science in Psychology, students need to learn many skills that are needed in practicing the actual profession. Psychology students have so many academic requirements to prioritize, but they also have extra-curricular that are important as well, and they always need to cope with time pressure. College is an entirely different situation than high school. Classes consist of far fewer grades, but they are worth it when you are done. Do not tell yourself, â€Å"I’ll read the assignment later,† because often times you merely end up cramming right before the test; research indicates that cramming is not the best (nor is it the worst) method of studying. At first, different factors can affect the academic performance of a students in order to achieve success, going through the steps are necessary. It should provide time for students to review activities and prevent too many errors that results to unaccomplished tasks or tasks that are accomplished, but after several attempts to do so. It reduces avoidance and welcomes other opportunities that could help in preparing for other tasks. This study will contribute to the perception of the future psychology students in prioritizing the academic activities and requirements in terms of importance and urgency. The researchers conducted a survey regarding the said topic at Centro Escolar University among the second year psychology students. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting the study habits and the effects to academic performance on psychology students’ particularly in the second year level. Habits (or wonts) are routines of behavior that are repeated regularly and tend to occur subconsciously or â€Å"A habit, from the standpoint of psychology, is a more or less fixed way of thinking, willing, or feeling acquired through previous repetition of a mental experience.† As behaviors are repeated in a consistent context, there is an incremental increase in the link between the context and the action. This increases the automaticity of the behavior in that context. Features of an automatic behavior are all or some of: efficiency, lack of awareness, unintentionally, and uncontrollability. And a bad habit is an undesirable behavior pattern. Anyone interested in getting better results, becoming more productive and ultimately more successful should probably take an honest look at the problem of procrastination. Most people think procrastination is just an issue that involves putting things off that can be done later without much of a penalty. But if procrastination will become your habit especially in your study what would be the effect of it in your academic performances? Statement of the problem. 1. What are the bad habits/behavior/attitude toward the respondent’s subjects? Ans. Gagawin pa yang sentence. Lack of interest in the subject area, Unable to set priorities (extra curricular activities, entertainment, etc.), Lack of prerequisites for success in the current subject area, Unstable home life ability to concentrate, lack of interest or motivation to succeed, procrastinating, habitual lateness, overextension, Inability to Prioritize, Negative Mindset and Fear of Failure 2. Does the negative attitudes and habits of psychology students affect their academic performances? 3. The reasons why they act/behave that way. Gagamitan naten to ng theories ha :†) at d pa to tapos. Lack of Focus, Family problems, social lives (including texting, IM’ing, etc.), outside distractions (phone, music, TV),

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Growing Up Essay

This short story looks at children and two of Carys ovels were directly concerned with childhood. Themes Children and growing up is the central theme of this story, as it is with several of the other stories in the Anthology. However, the central character is an adult and so it links well with ‘Flight’, where the story follows the emotions of a grandfather trying to accept his granddaughter’s forthcoming marriage. Your Shoes’ also has a central narrator, although that story is written in the first person. This short story is certainly concerned with relationships between the generations. Children as a destructive orce appear in ‘Growing Up’, in the came way that the boy in ‘Chemistry has an urge to damage his mother’s boyfriend. ‘Superman and Paula Brown’s new Snowsuit’ also examines the theme of the destructive power of children. Adults struggling to understand the behaviour of children are a central issue in ‘Growing Up’, as they also are in ‘Superman and Paula Brown’s New Snowsuit’. Notes The first paragraph establishes the central character, a businessman Robert Quick. He is named, unlike the anonymous central characters of several of these stories. He is described as a conventional businessman, in a dark suit and hat. Significantly, he sheds some of his formal clothes as he goes into the garden, perhaps representing that the rules and values he will encounter there are far from civilised. Ls. 7 – 19 The garden is described as a Wilderness’. It has been neglected because Mr and Mrs. Quick are too busy to tend it. It has suggestions of other gardens, perhaps the Garden of Eden, or Paradise. Perhaps also there is a suggestion that Mr and Mrs. Quick are too busy to other civilising their daughters, Just as they have ignored their garden? Could the story symbolise the wild, untamed nature of the children who run wild in it? l. 23 ‘a suggestion of the frontier, primeval forests.. ‘ Cary hints that there may be the possibility of fear and menace in the garden. It is not a place of easy comfort, as Mr. Quick thinks. L 27 the children have previously enjoyed a close relationship with their father and have made a fuss of him when he returns home. However, this contrasts with the way they ignore him this time. Is the reason they snub him because he is a man? Quick recognises that they will be women soon in lines 42 to 49; later on in the story they are wellbehaved for their mother and he feels rejected. Cary is specific about their names and ages; Jenny is twelve and Kate thirteen. They are both deep in their own worlds and Quick doesn’t mind that they pay hardly any attention to his arrival. He thinks it represents their honest attitude to him. Perhaps he is too easy going with the children. Do they need to show him a bit more respect? Ls. 58-81 the two girls

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Economics Assigment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Economics Assigment - Essay Example Indeed, it should also be pointed out that Chinese did not focus, especially, on differentiation, innovation and process development that are essentials of technological superiority. In addition, China’s biggest mistake was its failure to understand why technology is foremost for economy and how it contributes to economic growth and sustainable development. Part 2 Acemoglu and Robinson (2008) have thrown light over the importance of institutions and the impact of economic institutions on the prosperity of a nation. Nevertheless, the authors argue that the economic institutions become stronger when harmony exists among political forces and institutions. In other words, political certainty averts the possibility of law and order crises, thereby creating a peaceful business environment for economic actors. Hence, the stronger the economic institutions, the better the policies devised for economic growth. Indeed, the policy-makers pay greater attention to provide trade incentives, to bring Foreign Direct Incentives, to initiate human resource development programmes and to promote technological development for enhancing organisational productivity and ensuring economies of scale (mass production). For instance, the authors’ main argument is that the economic institutions are the actual difference between 2 nations because a nation with strong institutions becomes developed, whereas a nation with weak institutions remains poor and technologically backward. Part 3 As far as the differences between articles written by Landes (2006) and Acemoglu and Robinson (2008) are concerned, it should be pointed out that Landes (2006) is more concerned with the underlying reasons that contributed to China’s technological failure in comparison to developed Western nations, which have become technologically superior due to their proactive and innovation centred approaches. China ruled out the possibility of implementing capitalism; therefore failed to reinforce c ompetition among entities. Next, China also disregarded to adopt some pertinent western values thus remained technologically backward in past, whereas West flourished at a phenomenal rate. Acemoglu and Robinson (2008) are more concerned with institutionalism as they argue that economic institutions and policy – makers play their vital role in economic well-being of a country because they take into consideration economy as a whole and formulate strategies that benefit economic actors in a society in general. Economics Assignment 2 Part 1 The article â€Å"Why Europe and the West? Why Not China?† has been composed by David Landes in which he has presented his arguments regarding the technological advancement of West and Europe and the reasons behind China’s failure in competing with Western economies. Landes (2006) highlighted that the western nations have always focused on developing their educational institutions so that they could establish a strong base for Re search & Development activities. Nevertheless, the Western and European countries were aware of importance of technology and the benefits they could obtain in terms of economic efficiency and sustainability. On the other hand, China lacked these valued as well as failed to thrive by acknowledging western achievements, capitalist values and technological knowledge base. Another major argument raised by Landes

Managing the human resource environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Managing the human resource environment - Essay Example Human resource management takes the consideration that the workforce is the most important asset that an organization holds and hence it must be given priority for the organization a competitive edge. Human resource management stipulates that having a skilled and well catered for workforce can help an organization to have a competitive advantage that may be difficult for other organization to replicate. Hence human resource department works to develop the workforce of the organization. (David, 1998) Human resource department is bestowed with many responsibilities as far as the development and training of the work force is concerned. First it is given the role of recruitment. It determines the labour need of an organization and carries out recruitment to ensure that it gives the best labour to the organization. Second it is also given the role of staff development and training. Human resource management is given the duty of training and developing the staff. It conducts continuous study of the staff and in work training in order to give the organization a competence work force. Third human resource is given the duty of looking at the welfare of the employees in their work. As such it works for the employees to address various issues that pertains them. Human resource also worked with other department in the organization in order to ensure optimal performance of the employees. Human resource managers must have some basic skills in order to carry out their duties. They must have the necessary organization skills that will help them in coordinating the work of the human resource department. They must understand the workforce very well and understand the difference kinds of people constituting the workforce. As such, they should have an understanding of theories of personality and the psychology of the work force. They must also be skilled counsellors since they will be handling various cases regarding the workforce and even settling disputes between the workforces. In its operation the human resource management is faced with many challenges. The management of the workforce is faced by many constrains. The integral of the function of the human resource department with other department is one of the areas posing greater challenge. This is due to many areas of conflict concerning the function of the departments. Handling of employees is another challenging area in the department. Many of the employees who feel patronage in the organization sometimes fails to recognize the authority of the department in carrying out its functions. Acting as s mediator between the organization employees and the administration, the department is faced with the challenge of harmonizing the needs of both parties. Sometimes it finds it difficulty to lean on one side of to take side on the issue so as not to appear as partisan. (Dudik, 2000) But strategic human resource management has and other human resource management strategy has been applied in a creative way in order to address some of these challenges. The organization has been able to come up with at strategic resource management place the addressed the need of the employees and at the same time address the need of the organization. Strategic human res

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

New Hire Communication Worksheet Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

New Hire Communication Worksheet - Assignment Example The purpose of the message is to introduce the new hires to this unique way of doing things by the company. The audiences, in this case, are the new hires. The audience share certain characteristics such as being new to the company, being newly hired and lacking knowledge about the company’s culture, processes and procedures. Therefore, when the HR employee is writing the message, he should know that these are people without the knowledge about the company’s culture. The new hires, however, already know that they have been employeed and formed part of the company. They already know the purpose, vision and mission of the company. To deliver the message effectively, convening a meeting with the new hires so that a verbal reading of the message can be done by the HR employee as the best channel to deliver the message to the new hires. This is most effective because it will enable the message to reach all the audiences at the same time, hence uniformity in message delivery. Similarly, this channel gives an opportunity to the new hires to raise their queries and ask the HR employee all the questions about other things they would wish to know about the company. The suitable writing strategies to write the message is through the use of steps where the address comes first, followed by the subject matter and then the body and salutation at the end. The writing style would be formal where the messge would be short, precise and direct to the point. The writing will also be done in point form to make the literature short but precise and direct on the message. Write a rough draft of the message below using the analysis you did in Step 1. Make sure your message is appropriate for the purpose and audience (e.g., new hires). Use an outline to help organize your thoughts. I hereby write to inform you about our culture, processes and procedures. Some of these you will get to learn during your work with us, but for now, I will just give you some fw

Monday, August 26, 2019

Patterns of Employee Motivation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Patterns of Employee Motivation - Research Paper Example The motivated taskforce not only helps in achieving the organizational tasks accurately but also assure the long-term success of the firm. Pinder (1998) asserts that motivation is an energizing force. It gives energy to the workforce in moving ahead with the same pace. Different organizations have different patterns of employee motivation. The process of employee motivation is difficult for distinct patterns of human behaviour. This paper aims to analyze the motivating factors of employees in organizations, including a discussion on practical and realistic ways of motivating a diverse workforce in an organization. In order to successfully implement a motivational plan for employees, it is important to understand and know the behavioural patterns of the employees. It is not an easy task to individually assess and analyze the behavioural pattern of each employee. However, researchers have helped in making decisions about the behavioural patterns by providing three broad categories. The first category involves the ‘self-actualized’ employees who are never de-motivated and have high spirits and passion to achieve the goals. It involves an estimated 10 per cent of the total workforce. The second category involves ‘fence sitters’, who can be motivated using the motivational techniques and skills. The largest group of the workforce belongs to this category (i.e. around 80%). The third category involves the remaining 10 per cent of employees who are difficult to be managed and motivated. These employees do not intend to achieve anything over and above their current performanc e. In other words, they do not have any intention to get motivated and improve their performance. The importance of categorizing the employees is the fact that the middle category (i.e. 80-90%) of the employees get motivated to improve their performance by the way self-actualized employees are treated and rewarded (Subburaj. 2005). The most important factor to consider before implementing any technique of employee motivation is to understand the nature of the workforce, categorize employees into groups and apply appropriate motivational techniques for each group.     

Sunday, August 25, 2019

What Is Human Reproductive Cloning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

What Is Human Reproductive Cloning - Essay Example As the report declares the most prominent theoretical source of objections in the ‘deontological’ school of thought is the moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant, the German eighteenth-century thinker who stressed the ideas of ‘transcendental’ freedom and autonomy. To define his idea of the transcendental autonomy of human reason, Kant presented several formulations of what he called the ‘categorical imperative.’ This is the moral law that he thought people should obey without exceptions. The general idea and two specific formulations of this overarching rule, and see how they can (or cannot) be employed in objections to human reproductive cloning. This paper discusses that Kant’s first formulation, which is of more use, was â€Å"Act only according to that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law†. The definition of the goodness of genetic diversity does make some sense, but it does not support the Kantian objection to cloning. We can permit cloning in cases where people cannot have children by any other means without allowing it to become the only way of making babies – and without disturbing the human gene pool in any way. Besides, it could be argued that whatever accidental advantages the variety of genetic constitutions has had in the past could in the future be secured by considered genetic enhancements. The more Kantian way to proceed is to say that genetic diversity is good, because it is natural, or intrinsically linked with human reproduction.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Idea Behind All Power to The Soviets Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Idea Behind All Power to The Soviets - Essay Example In relation to the viewpoint of Trotsky in ‘Results and Prospects’ identified in the ‘Preface to the Re-Issue of this Work,’ the uprising characters in the Russian Revolution was the most prominent question in terms of forming ideological trends and building a strong movement group upholding the political organizations in the movement. The uprising character in the Russian Revolution had also stirred towards serious contentions from the perspective of social-democratic movement, which further turned into a practical character. Kautsky also realizes that the differences amidst the uprising characters and disagreements of the social-democratic movements had shaped two central movement trends, namely the Menshevism and Bolshevism. In relation to the viewpoint of Menshevism, the revolution was being shaped as a bourgeois movement by transferring adequate power to the bourgeoisie and form conditional aspects for ‘parliamentarism’ of the bourgeois. On the other hand, in a Bolshevism standpoint, the strong establishment of the democratic republic through proletariat and peasantry dictatorship was the prominent object in the form of ‘all power to the Soviets.’ The Bolshevism viewpoint regarding the statement is formed due to the inability of the bourgeois as the uprising character in the revolution.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist - Essay Example The priest may give a short homily to explain about the reading and to remind the parents and godparents of their responsibilities to the child being baptized. Then the priest announces, â€Å"I baptize you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit†. These words relate to the words spoken by Jesus Christ before he ascended into heaven when he commanded the disciples to make disciples of all nations and baptize them in the â€Å"Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit† (Matthew 28:19). The indelible mark of baptism is the â€Å"end of sin and the beginning of goodness† (â€Å"The Catholic Liturgical Library† par. 27). The Significance of the Sign of the Cross, the use of water, the use of oil, the prayers of exorcism, and the white garment in the celebration of the sacrament of Baptism. The sign of the cross reminds us of Christ’s passion and death on the cross and prepares the baptism candidate to partake o f that sacrifice for God and the church. Water becomes â€Å"a rich symbol of grace,† to signify cleansing and being reborn away from a sinful past (â€Å"The Catholic Liturgical Library† par. 19). Oil is for anointing – to heal us from anything that prevents our right relationship with God. The exorcism prayer protects the baptized from evil spirits while preparing him or her to be a part of the church or the People of God. The priest exorcises the candidate from the evil spirit and prepares that physical body to be a temple of the Holy Spirit.  

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Good Education vs. Bad Education Essay Example for Free

Good Education vs. Bad Education Essay Persuasive Research Paper By; Karen Elzy Date: July 25, 2010 Course: COM 220 Teacher: Sherry Ann Smith Good Education vs. Bad Education Does one think he or she can get very far without having a great education? Statistics shows that people with a great education are much more successful than those who do not receive a great education. Many people who graduate from high school and college are guaranteed to get a better job and higher position than those who have never finish their high school or college education. There are some teachers, doctors, lawyers, journalists, and many other higher educated people who have succeeded with farther education than people who wish not to succeed and not get an education. Good education is better than bad education because the outcome will be much greater with a good education than with a bad one. Nelson Mandela stated that, â€Å"Education is the most powerful weapon which one can use to change the world. † This is true. Every human should want to be educated, because the world is full of technology which influences our world greatly. People who are not educated enough will surely be uniformed and left behind in today’s society. Technology is in business officers, schools, hospitals, doctor offices, stores, homes, and many other places. Today, the school systems start off with teaching the students how to use computers in kindergarten. The students are using this knowledge that they have learned from school and relating it to their parents. Parents should keep their children in school so they can learn everything which being taught by the instructor, and by doing this, the outcome will be rewarding. Teachers are a gift to students and parents because they are teaching the students everything that there is to learn about education. Without teachers, students will not learn the knowledge they need to succeed in this world without a good education. Many surveys show that a good teacher from the 1920-1980’s are more experienced in age in teaching than those teachers who are fresh out of college. Older teachers have more experience and knowledge in child development than college teacher who just beginning and this really matters. Many new teachers cannot explain problems to their students when they write it on the broad. This is what I call bad education, because the student cannot figure the problem out either. When students are failing because of these situations this is when the teacher should call the parent in to see if they could work out a way to help solve this problem together. Many teachers today are not concern about the outcome of their students, so it is very important for the parent keep in contact with that teacher and their child grades. This is when bad education is a part of the student and the teacher who is teaching. Many student drops out of school because of lack of consistency they receive. Having a good education will ensure one to have a better job than anyone who does not have an education. By continuing one’s education and getting a college degree, applying for major jobs will not be such a hassle. The reason being is because most companies directly look at the education section of an application or resume. The perks with having a good job will be such as: paid vacations, top salaries, 401k, good insurance packages, and many others. Many people may start out in a great established company and learn everything about it; then continue or progress their own business and become more successful than that previous business. Having knowledge causes all these successes. How can one have a good job without learning skills from education? Many jobs are skilled and furthering education will help with a much more skilled jobs or profession. Encouraging education by talking to the students will bring love, wealth, values, and family respect. When students feel they do not have any encouragement they will drop out of school, some will go to jail, depression, drug abuse, and steal: the results of this are a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Going to school is not just about being there physically. It is important to pay really close attention to what the instructor is teaching. Clowning around would be a very horrible idea. This can cause one to miss important information for one’s future workplace. Employers will not take him or her seriously if they look at one’s transcript and thinks they have goofed off while in school. They will think that it will be brought to their workplace. Furthermore, paying attention will guarantee one the skills that can help in their future workplace this can help one to advance faster than other employees. This can help one to get a promotion and earn a better pay. Having a bad education will really hurt one. Going to a school in which appropriate information is not taught is not such a good idea. This will cause someone not to find a good job. Employers may think that important skills are lacked of their job. Bad education will definitely not lead to a great place. Poverty will be definitely in question that will cause one’s family to suffer. In question why would one want to suffer do to this bad outcome? The economy today is suffering enough, and education should be ones top priority to help with tomorrow’s economy. The economy is suffering from lack of jobs and has caused many people to become homeless. If some of the people would have finish their education then some of them would not be homeless due to the economy. Many homeless children do not attend school because of their situation. Many kids are being teased by other children because of their homeless situation, this cause a problem in education as well. Homeless kids are rated highly in education than some children who attend daily. Many children miss out on education because of being homeless. Many people were deprived of continuing their education due to lack of funding. Today people are successfully continuing their education because of grants and low interest rates on loans for education. There are people who have not attended school for a long period and due to available funds have returned. The president of the United States of America has helped make this possible for adults and others to go back to school. Many opportunities through programs as these help to better education. If some of these programs were offered earlier maybe most people would have finished school. There are things that can cause bad education. For example, mental and physical abuse can cause one to have a low self esteem about them. If someone were to lose a parent or someone close to them this would cause him or her to avoid school. Many kids bully other kids and cause them to drop out or not wanting to return to school at all. Parents need to pay close attention to his or her children in order to make sure he or she is not facing any of these problems. Many schools pay close attention to children attitudes to see if any changes have occurred. There have been many reports about abuse and kids who suffer in their education because of such reason. There are after school programs to help further children education, and to help working parent who do not have the proper time with helping their children with their homework. These programs are designed to help with homework, study skills, testing, and behavior conduct. There are many dedicated teachers and teacher aides who take the time out to help children advance in his or her education. Many parents are very grateful to these teachers and teacher aides for their time and effort in helping his or her children. Through these programs many children have passed leaped and other important test for school. These children who attend these programs have good study habits and are very dedicated to their learning. The outcome help the children score higher on different test and help them to become honor and respectable. Distinguishing good and bad education is not hard to do. A good education can include a school and/or instructor meeting and talking to their students. A good school and/or instructor will build their student’s confidence to make them feel like learning, participating in classroom activities, and getting to know the students parents. A good education can also include such things as, after school tutoring, respecting and giving respect, and make their students get involved; however, it is not limited to these things. Having a good education guide will make the student understand all material efficiently. For example, the instructor will make sure everything is explained fluently and is understood, their classroom will be in order. They will make sure the material is not boring and make sure their students are alert; they will care and make sure to encourage their students on how important their work is and how far it will take them in life if they complete it and earn their diplomas. A bad education is kicking out a student for asking a question that the instructor may have answered or may have not; patience is very important when it comes to education. If an instructor is rude and unenthusiastic, it can make the student feel as if they need not to complete the course. However, if the instructor stop and help challenge them, the student will look forward to getting their education and make sure to make every class. If an instructor shows that they are only there to get a paycheck, this can more than likely stop the enthusiasm of the student. A bad instructor can indeed make their student feel dumb which can cause a student to be a dropout and end up as a statistic. Remember education is important so the school, instructor, and student shall take it seriously. A good education will help one get a great job that has a good pay and great benefits. The result of a good education can lead to making friends that can be there for a lifetime and a possible business partner. However, if one receives a bad education, if can lead to a road of failure. Bad education will really hurt one in the long run; he or she may not be able to get a good job, a steady job, and may end up living in poverty. Employers may think that one lack some skills and give one a very low position and may be even under paid. The economy will not suffer if everyone would stay in school and receive their education. Thanks to the many opportunities of grants and loans to help further education, it can really make everyone’s future bright. If people would pay close attention to kids they can see if they are facing major problems that are preventing one from their education. After school programs are very helpful in helping students to advance in their studies, and it is also a great tool to their parents as well. In order for one to succeed, one must be in an effective school system with reliable material being taught. One must also have an instructor to encourage them and help out if the understanding is not present. Encouraging education by talking to the students will bring love, wealth, values, and family respect. If the encouragement is not present and/or a bad education would be received by the student which can cause them all kinds of downfalls in the future. Staying in school, being focused and getting their proper education are the goals in being successful. In conclusion, good education is better than a bad education because the outcome is much better and the future will look much better with a good education rather than a bad education. As Nelson Mandela says, â€Å"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world†. Many doctors, lawyers, engineers, writers, public speakers, and even teachers and students have really changed our world today. Education is the key to everyone’s success story. Good Education Vs. Bad Education References Hein, Karen. â€Å"Young People as Assets: A Foundation View. † Social Policy 30. 1 (1999): 20. General One File. Web. 13 June 2010.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Creation is Real Essay Example for Free

Creation is Real Essay When a lawyer walks into a court room, he has two jobs to do. He has to prove his case is the correct account of what happened and prove the other story is false. This is called the â€Å"Burden of Proof†. Lawyers on both sides of each case present facts, evidence and professional or eyewitness testimony to convince the jury beyond reasonable doubt they are correct. Since In this case there are no eyewitnesses nor DNA this is more difficult, but there is evidence and there are facts. This is the case of Creation vs. Evolution and by the end of this case; the jury will be convinced beyond reasonable doubt that creation is the only plausible answer for the beginning of the earth. The facts presented in this case are based on fossils and skeletal remains, the likelihood of an explosion creating a perfectly structured world fit for life, and the lack of continuing evolution. One fact that lends itself to creation is the lack of a missing link. In order to prove that humans evolved from apes there would need to be a half man, half ape out there. Scientists have been searching for this missing link, since the origin of the evolution theory and no remains have been found to indicate this link exists. Human remains have been found from previous times and all of them have been human. Scientists have found partial remains of very old skeletons, which they claim are up to 3. 5 million years old they attempt to claim these as missing links (Creationtheory. org 2006) The truth however is the remains are so deteriorated is would be impossible to tell if they are human or ape. They are not something in between even in modern society, facial characteristics and jawbones differ between cultures, therefore claiming the bone structure differs from that of a human is inaccurate. A second point to substantiate creation is the intelligent design. Everything on earth is designed exactly as it needs to be in order to sustain life. If the oxygen levels were different or the atmospheric pressure varied substantially, the earth would be uninhabitable. Evolutionists choose to believe that a large explosion causes planets to form and fall into a perfect orbit around the sun. The earth stays the right distance from the sun to provide heat and light, but does not over heat or dry the planet. In addition to this, the explosion left small particles in the oceans, which amazingly formed in the explosion, which turned into living creatures. These living single cell organisms then somehow evolved into fish, which turned into birds, mammals and eventually humans. Even without figuring the complex probability probability problem it is obvious the odds of this happening are unfathomable. Even if the inert matter could all fall into place, no experiment has proven successful in turning inert matter into living matter (allaboutcreation). The complexity of DNA could not have happened by chance it has too much detail and would have taken very precise design it could not have just developed from a particles in the ocean (allaboutcreation). Scientists have failed to find links between any current species and a previous one. There are no amoeba-fish or bird-fish (Allaboutcreation). Bats have wings, but there is no evidence they were ever anything except mammals. In addition to the lack of evidence proving evolution happened is the complete lack of higher evolution during recorded history. For at least a few hundred years, history has been written down and it was humans that wrote it not ape-men. There were oxen, fish, sheep, and birds just as there are today. If evolution had occurred, it would not just stop squirrels should be starting to walk on two legs and apes should be turning into people and they are not. People and technology are advancing, but people are staying people. Some theories that evolutionists used to present as evidence have been proven false such as embryology (the belief that in embryonic stages humans followed the evolutionary cycle), horse evolution (the evolution between horses with three toes and the current horses which turned out to just be differences in horses), and vestigial organs (organs that were needed by ancestors but are now useless organs). These were all proven to be false proof, but many still appear in science textbooks (Thinkquest). If after the evidence, facts and reasoning of this case have not convinced all who hear it there is only one logical, intelligent, and educated answer for the beginning of the earth, then the facts need to be presented again. The only reasonable solution is that the earth and all of its contents were created by God who had a plan and followed it. Any human who chooses to believe their ancestors were amoebas, fish, or even apes is simply making an effort to deny God. This is because they do not want to recognize God’s authority and follow his laws. They would rather live in a world that happened by some unrealistic explosion. No scientist could even show an instance where order was created from chaos (such as an explosion), yet this is what evolutionists want people to believe. It is the job of the reasonable intelligent humans, who know their ancestors were humans to convince others the true story of how the world came to be. Otherwise the future may be filled with children who call the apes in the zoo Grandma and Grandpa. Works Cited â€Å"Creation Vs. Evolution. † All about Creation. 17, May 2007. http://www. allaboutcreation. org/evidence-for-creation-faq. htm â€Å"Creation Vs. Evolution II†. 1999 17, May 2007. http://library. thinkquest. org/29178 â€Å"Creation Versus Science† 18 September 2006. 17May 2007 http://www. creationtheory. org

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Steps in Strategic Planning

Steps in Strategic Planning Strategic Planning Model Many books and articles describe how best to do strategic planning, and many go to much greater lengths than this planning response sheet, but our purpose here is to present the fundamental steps that must be taken in the strategic planning process. Below is a brief description of the five steps in the process. These steps are a recommendation, but not the only recipe for creating a strategic plan; other sources may recommend entirely different steps or variations of these steps. However, the steps outlined below describe the basic work that needs to be done and the typical products of the process. Thoughtful and creative planners will add spice to the mix or elegance to the presentation in order to develop a strategic plan that best suits their organization! Step One Getting Ready To get ready for strategic planning, an organization must first assess if it is ready. While a number of issues must be addressed in assessing readiness, the determination essentially comes down to whether an organizations leaders are truly committed to the effort, and whether they are able to devote the necessary attention to the big picture. For example, if a funding crisis looms, the founder is about to depart, or the environment is turbulent, then it does not make sense to take time out for strategic planning effort at that time. An organization that determines it is indeed ready to begin strategic planning must perform five tasks to pave the way for an organized process: identify specific issues or choices that the planning process should address clarify roles (who does what in the process) create a Planning Committee develop an organizational profile identify the information that must be collected to help make sound decisions. The product developed at the end of the Step One is a Workplan. Step Two Articulating Mission and Vision A mission statement is like an introductory paragraph: it lets the reader know where the writer is going, and it also shows that the writer knows where he or she is going. Likewise, a mission statement must communicates the essence of an organization to the reader. An organizations ability to articulate its mission indicates its focus and purposefulness. A mission statement typically describes an organization in terms of its: Purpose why the organization exists, and what it seeks to accomplish Business the main method or activity through which the organization tries it fulfill this purpose Values the principles or beliefs that guide an organizations members as they pursue the organizations purpose Whereas the mission statement summarizes the what, how, and why of an organizations work, a vision statement presents an image of what success will look like. For example, the mission statement of the Support Centers of America is as follows: The mission of the Support Centers of America is to increase the effectiveness of the nonprofit sector by providing management consulting, training and research. Our guiding principles are: promote client independence, expand cultural proficiency, collaborate with others, ensure our own competence, act as one organization. We envision an ever increasing global movement to restore and revitalize the quality of life in local communities. The Support Centers of America will be a recognized contributor and leader in that movement. With mission and vision statements in hand, an organization has taken an important step towards creating a shared, coherent idea of what it is strategically planning for. At the end of Step Two, a draft mission statement and a draft vision statement is developed. Step Three Assessing the Situation Once an organization has committed to why it exists and what it does, it must take a clear-eyed look at its current situation. Remember, that part of strategic planning, thinking, and management is an awareness of resources and an eye to the future environment, so that an organization can successfully respond to changes in the environment. Situation assessment, therefore, means obtaining current information about the organizations strengths, weaknesses, and performance information that will highlight the critical issues that the organization faces and that its strategic plan must address. These could include a variety of primary concerns, such as funding issues, new program opportunities, changing regulations or changing needs in the client population, and so on. The point is to choose the most important issues to address. The Planning Committee should agree on no more than five to ten critical issues around which to organize the strategic plan. The products of Step Three include: a data base of quality information that can be used to make decisions; and a list of critical issues which demand a response from the organization the most important issues the organization needs to deal with. Step Four Developing Strategies, Goals, and Objectives Once an organizations mission has been affirmed and its critical issues identified, it is time to figure out what to do about them: the broad approaches to be taken (strategies), and the general and specific results to be sought (the goals and objectives). Strategies, goals, and objectives may come from individual inspiration, group discussion, formal decision-making techniques, and so on but the bottom line is that, in the end, the leadership agrees on how to address the critical issues. This can take considerable time and flexibility: discussions at this stage frequently will require additional information or a reevaluation of conclusions reached during the situation assessment. It is even possible that new insights will emerge which change the thrust of the mission statement. It is important that planners are not afraid to go back to an earlier step in the process and take advantage of available information to create the best possible plan. The product of Step Four is an outline of the organizations strategic directions the general strategies, long-range goals, and specific objectives of its response to critical issues. Step Five Completing the Written Plan The mission has been articulated, the critical issues identified, and the goals and strategies agreed upon. This step essentially involves putting all that down on paper. Usually one member of the Planning Committee, the executive director, or even a planning consultant will draft a final planning document and submit it for review to all key decision makers (usually the board and senior staff). This is also the time to consult with senior staff to determine whether the document can be translated into operating plans (the subsequent detailed action plans for accomplishing the goals proposed by the strategic plan) and to ensure that the plan answers key questions about priorities and directions in sufficient detail to serve as a guide. Revisions should not be dragged out for months, but action should be taken to answer any important questions that are raised at this step. It would certainly be a mistake to bury conflict at this step just to wrap up the process more quickly, because the conflict, if serious, will inevitably undermine the potency of the strategic directions chosen by the planning committee. The product of Step Five is a strategic plan! Whats in a vision statement? [From] Martin Luther King, Jr. said, I have a dream, and what followed was a vision that changed a nation. That famous speech is a dramatic example of the power that can be generated by a person who communicates a compelling vision of the future. Management author Tom Peters identified a clear vision of the desired future state of the organization as an essential component of high performance. Widely-read organizational development author Warren Bennis identified a handful of traits that made great leaders great. Among them is the ability to create a vision. So, What Is a Vision and How Do I Get One? A vision is a guiding image of success formed in terms of a contribution to society. If a strategic plan is the blueprint for an organizations work, then the vision is the artists rendering of the achievement of that plan. It is a description in words that conjures up a similar picture for each member of the group of the destination of the groups work together. There is one universal rule of planning: You will never be greater than the vision that guides you. No Olympic athlete ever got to the Olympics by mistake; a compelling vision of his or her stellar performance inevitably guides all the sweat and tears for many years. The vision statement should require the organizations members to stretch their expectations, aspirations, and performance. Without that powerful, attractive, valuable vision, why bother? How a Vision is Used John Bryson, the author of Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, states that typically, a vision is more important as a guide to implementing strategy than it is to formulating it. This is because the development of strategy is driven by what you are trying to accomplish, your organizations purposes. A mission statement answers the questions: Why does our organization exist? What business are we in? What values will guide us? A vision, however, is more encompassing. It answers the question, What will success look like? It is the pursuit of this image of success that really motivates people to work together. A vision statement should be realistic and credible, well articulated and easily understood, appropriate, ambitious, and responsive to change. It should orient the groups energies and serve as a guide to action. It should be consistent with the organizations values. In short, a vision should challenge and inspire the group to achieve its mission. The Impact of Vision John F. Kennedy did not live to see the achievement of his vision for NASA, but he set it in motion when he said, By the end of the decade, we will put a man on the moon. That night, when the moon came out, we could all look out the window and imagine And when it came time to appropriate the enormous funds necessary to accomplish this vision, Congress did not hesitate. Why? Because this vision spoke powerfully to values Americans held dear: America as a pioneer and America as world leader. In an amazing longitudinal study on goal setting, Yale University surveyed the graduating class of 1953 on commencement day, to determine if they had written goals for what they wanted their lives to become. Only three percent had such a vision. In 1973, the surviving members of the class of 1953 were surveyed again. The three percent who had a vision for what they wished their lives would become had accumulated greater wealth than the other 97 percent combined. Great wealth, a man on the moon, brother and sisterhood among the races of the globe what is your organizations vision? Shared Vision To a leader, the genesis of the dream is unimportant. The great leader is the servant of the dream, the bearer of the myth, the story teller. It is the idea (vision) that unites people in the common effort, not the charisma of the leader, writes Robert Greenleaf in Leadership Crisis. He goes on to write: Optimal performance rests on the existence of a powerful shared vision that evolves through wide participation to which the key leader contributes, but which the use of authority cannot shape. The test of greatness of a dream is that it has the energy to lift people out of their moribund ways to a level of being and relating from which the future can be faced with more hope than most of us can summon today. The Process for Creating a Vision Like much of strategic planning, creating a vision begins with and relies heavily on intuition and dreaming. As part of the process, you may brainstorm with your staff or your board what you would like to accomplish in the future. Talk about and write down the values that you share in pursuing that vision. Different ideas do not have to be a problem. People can spur each other on to more daring and valuable dreams and visions dreams of changing the world that they are willing to work hard for. The vision may evolve throughout a strategic planning process. Or, it may form in one persons head in the shower one morning! The important point is that members of an organization without a vision may toil, but they cannot possibly be creative in finding new and better ways to get closer to a vision without that vision formally in place. Nonprofit organizations, with many of their staff and board members actively looking for ways to achieve a vision, have a powerful competitive and strategic advantage over organizations that operate without a vision. Perceptions of Ideal Futures: An Exercise in Forming Vision This section outlines an exercise you may employ to assist your organization in defining its own vision. By using this exercise to develop your organizational vision, you may be better assured that the vision statement that is developed is a shared vision. At a retreat, or even at a board meeting or staff meeting, take an hour to explore your vision. Breaking into small groups helps increase participation and generate creativity. Agree on a rough time frame, say five to ten years. Ask people to think about the following questions: How do you want your community to be different? What role do you want your organization to play in your community? What will success look like? Then ask each group to come up with a metaphor for your organization, and to draw a picture of success: Our organization is like a mariachi band all playing the same music together, or like a train pulling important cargo and laying the track as we go, or . The value of metaphors is that people get to stretch their minds and experiment with different ways of thinking about what success means to them. Finally, have all the groups share their pictures of success with each other. One person should facilitate the discussion and help the group discuss what they mean and what they hope for. Look for areas of agreement, as well as different ideas that emerge. The goal is to find language and imagery that your organizations members can relate to as their vision for success. Caution: Do not try to write a vision statement with a group. (Groups are great for many things, but writing is not one of them!). Ask one or two people to try drafting a vision statement based on the groups discussion, bring it back to the group, and revise it until you have something that your members can agree on and that your leaders share with enthusiasm.

Machiavellis Reputation in the Modern World Essays -- Biography Biogr

Machiavelli's Reputation in the Modern World Niccolà ² Machiavelli was known during much his life as a part of the republican government in Florence until 1512. At that time, the Medici family took over the city and ruled under a more monarchical system. From that point until his death in 1527, Machiavelli was always just on the outside of Florentine politics. He would occasionally get work from the Medici but his tasks were never as important as they had been under the republican government of the past. As he was trying to find his way back into a major role in Florentine government, Machiavelli wrote The Prince, a manual of sorts that explained how a monarch should rule his state and why. While Machiavelli had been a strong proponent of republican ideals in the past, in The Prince, his ideas are far from adhering to republicanism. The book seems to promote the ideal monarch as a cold, heartless person whose only goal in life should be to retain power, regardless of who or what he destroys. This includes killing enemie s of the state, personal enemies of the Prince, and even, in some cases, friends or family. While The Prince was not the first book of this kind, it was the first to suggest a government that rules with no regard for religion or morality. Machiavelli did not particularly pay heed to religious law in the way he lived his life, but he also did not particularly care for the Catholic Church of the time because of the lack of morality demonstrated by the Pope's and other supposedly "religious men's" actions at the time. There are other works that Machiavelli wrote both before and after The Prince that survive today, as well as letters he wrote to his friends that demonstrate a different set of ideals than th... ...: 1940-1960." The Journal of Modern History 33.2 (June 1961): 113-136. Howe, Daniel Walker. "European Sources of Political Ideas in Jeffersonian America." Reviews in American History 10.4 (December 1982): 28-44. Kocis, Robert A. Machiavelli Redeemed. Bethlehem: Lehigh UP, 1998. Machiavelli, Niccolà ². Machiavelli and His Friends: Their Personal Correspondence. Trans. James B. Atkinson & David Sices. DeKalb, Illinois: Northern Illinois UP, 1996. Machiavelli, Niccolà ². The Discourses from The Portable Machiavelli. Ed. & Trans. Peter Bondanella & Mark Musa. New York: Penguin, 1979. Machiavelli, Niccolà ². The Prince from The Portable Machiavelli. Ed. & Trans. Peter Bondanella & Mark Musa. New York: Penguin, 1979. Peterson, Paul E. "The President's Dominance in Foreign Policy Making." Political Science Quarterly 109.2 (Summer, 1994): 215-234.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Inclusion Effective or Ineffective Essay -- Teaching Public Education

Inclusion Effective or Ineffective Since the 1980's more and more school have began to practice the technique of inclusion in their classrooms. Inclusion is a term which expresses commitment to educate each child to the maximum extent appropriate, in the classroom he or she would otherwise attend.( Education Resources. "Special Education" Inclusion. " Nov 15, 1998).Most schools began this process by main streaming. Main streaming is usually refers to the selective placement of special education students in one or more "regular" education classes.(Education Resources...)For example a student with a learning disabilities would have some classes in the "regular"classroom and other classes would be segregated. The idea is that eventually they would be able to be completely included in the "regular"class. There is one more term that will be helpful in the understanding of this paper and that is full inclusion. Full inclusion means that all students, no matter what their handicap, will be in a "regular"classroom full time.( Education Resources...) The general difference between main streaming and inclusion is that people in favor of main streaming believe that a child with disabilities first belongs in the special education environment and that the child must earn his or her way into the "regular" education environment. Those who support inclusion believe that the child always should begin in the "regular" environm...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Nell :: essays research papers

Nell 1) The loss of Nell's twin sister had a dramatic effect on her. Nell and May were raised in a secluded environment with no outside contact. As a result, May and Nell became very close emotionally and were an integral part in each others lives. When May died, Nell lost part of her life as well which resulted in vivid memory replay. A good example of this is when Nell was turning around in circles by herself but, in her mind, she was turning around in circles with her missing half. At the end of the movie, the evidence of the importance of May in Nell's life was still evident as Nell played will Jerry's daughter on the rocks that May and her once played on. The movie did portray what is generally believed about twins. The loss of one had a dramatic effect on the other. They had their own twin speech and their own games. At the end of 20 plus years, Nell still felt the loss of her twin sister.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  2) The expert psychologist in the movie believed that Nell was mentally retarded and had made a small amount of intellectual development as a result of being raised in seclusion. Fortunately, they were wrong. The speech that Nell gave in the courtroom proved that she had developed intellectually. While the language that she used was different, Nell still gave a good list of very abstract ideas that someone who is mentally retarded could not possibly comprehend. Nell understood why she was different saying that she was raised in a small world and knew small things unlike the large things found in the city of Charlotte, N.C. This proved that Nell was very capable of living by herself and taking care of herself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  3) The experts, in the beginning of the movie, said that Nell was not capable of making the correct judgments to make in the world by herself. They did not believe that Nell had the wisdom to make the correct choices in life situations. It seemed evident to me that Nell already possessed more than enough wisdom to make it on her own. After all, she basically took care of her crippled mother all by herself.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4) Nell is not mentally retarded. Nell was raised in seclusion with her twin sister and a crippled mother. The things that Nell learned were obtained socially from a woman that had loss the use of part of her body. The body language that Nell had learned were obviously learned from observing her mother. For an outside viewer Nell must have looked like she was mentally

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Lacan, Foucault, Sedgwick, Binary Essay

The world consists of a collection of dual concepts. Things either are or they are not, especially at the level of conception. One is either alive or dead; there are no in-betweens with this notion. In the essay, â€Å"The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I as revealed in Psychoanalytical Experience,† Jacques Lacan describes a certain binary that takes place, and interacts, within a child as soon as they learn to recognize their own image. Lacan’s recognition of this initial dualism that takes place in an infant, leads to the recognition of several other dualisms. Michel Foucault speaks of a binary when speaking of sex and sexuality in chapter one of â€Å"The History of Sexuality, Volume 1, an Introduction. † In the second Axiom from â€Å"Epistemology of the Closet,† Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick discusses the heterosexual and homosexual dichotomy. Lacan believes that after eighteen months, a child discovers its libidinal dynamism (1286). Libidinal means psychic and emotional energy associated with instinctual biological drives. Dynamism means active and interactive movement. Through action and interaction with its psychic and emotional energy, instinctual biological drives in a child’s mind. It is through this dual and cooperative interaction between the physical and metaphysical, in the mirror, that a child begins to form identification with itself and its reflection. Via this reflection, the child will see its body as â€Å"Gesalt,† a collection of parts of the whole (Lacan 1286). The child views the sum of its biological, physical, and psychological bodies as an entire unit; being made up of several different parts, and at the same time just a singular object. The child recognizes and views its reflection in relation to its surroundings, i. e. urniture, itself, its mother, yet this realization that unites the child’s parts to form a singular I. This mental permanence, meaning the child will permanently see itself as I, is what will alienate others due its large singular view of itself, and not a view as part of a whole. With the child’s actualization of its image and that it can be seen and interpreted, it shall then recognize a binary of physical reality and dream reality. The dream realm is a reality of sorts, in the sense that it is real because it is experienced. That dream realm is then filled with not nly the child’s own image, but the image of the physical world it inhabits while awake. This I image is thus residing in the spectrums of this binary where its realities exist both in the physical world and in the mental world. The mirror stage itself is an entire dualistic concept. On one hand, it marks the initial conception of self-actualization, while on the other, maps the libidinal normalization process. Foucault outlines the history of sex in terms of children, how they communicate it, who discusses it, and where it resides in the binary. Children have for many years had a â€Å"freedom of language† with their mentors in relation to sex (Foucault 1654). This is to say that there was less shame in the attitude towards sex. It was a very openly discussed topic outside the realm of perversion and deviance. It was not until the seventeenth century that the French bourgeoisie placed a censorship on all speech that was of sexual manner. Children, across all social classes, gradually became more silent in regards to their sexuality (Foucault 1654). This notion of silence is where duality comes into to play, or lack thereof. Foucault defines silence as â€Å"the things one declines to say, or is forbidden to name, the discretion that is required between different speakers,† (1654). Foucault views silence as a non-passive action, even if it may appear to be doing nothing. One can convey a message just as effectively, and arguably more, by remaining silent than actually speaking. Silence is something that functions alongside speech in such a way that it becomes difficult to differentiate the two in terms of the outcomes they produce. Foucault acknowledges this lack of binary by stating that there is â€Å"no division to be made between what one says and what one does not say† (1654). In terms of the government enforced censorship on sexuality and speech during the 1600’s, this silence surrounding sexuality spoke volumes more than explicit dialogue about it. During this time another binary became prevalent, the public and the private. While the people remained relatively silent in public, they were conversing greatly privately. In the 1700’s this silence â€Å"multiplied the forms of discourse† on the subject of sex (Foucault 1655). The topic of children sex exploded with many participants partaking in the discussion. There was a great market for this discourse on sex that included the realms of medicine and politics, often interweaving the two. The topic of sex was forced out of the private realm into the public. Foucault says that sex has become something society cannot speak enough about, that â€Å"[society] convinced [itself] that [they] have never said enough on the subject,† throwing society onto a perpetual search for answers (1657). The sexual realm does not reside in the binary of public and private, of being secret or outspoken, yet resides in both. It is because of this need for secrecy that sex has taken such a firm place outside of being a secret. Foucault says society teeters on the middle of the binary system of public and private, that society has â€Å"consigned sex to a shadow existence, but that they dedicated themselves to speaking of it ad infinitum, while exploiting it as the secret† (1658). The history of sex is a prime example of a concept being able to reside in the realms of the public and private binaries, and at the same time residing in neither. Sedgwick claims that sexuality lies in a realm separate than that of gender. She defines chromosomal sex as that of biology that follows the strict XX and XY chromosome pattern of distinction among Homo Sapiens (Sedgwick 2439). She defines gender as an elaborate and rigid social production that strictly serves the binary of only male and female (Sedgwick 2439). She then defines sexuality as an array of acts, expectations, narratives, pleasures, identity-formations, and knowledge, in both women and men that focus on genital sensations, but not adequately defined by them (Sedgwick 2440). She states that gender is only one dimension of sexual choice and that sexuality strictly deals with how the individual feels and has no relation to, or effect on, procreation. Whereas chromosomal sex is strictly based on procreative purposes since it lies in the realm of biology, where a sexed male and a sexed female are the only sexes that can reproduce with each other. This notion thus makes sexuality the polar opposite of chromosomal sex, rather than gender being its opposite, in the binaries. She states that both gender and sexuality are concepts to be chosen. The differences between them are that gender serves the binary of male and female, while sexuality, contingent on the individual, are not limited by such a simple binary. This binaries construction was only to serve the male identity. Sedgwick says that any system with gender at its focus will have an inherent heterosexist bias, meaning that the female gender is constructed as a supplement to the male identity (2442). That the binary by which gender is trapped only exists because it required being a binary, the female gender only exists because the male gender required a counterpart. The binary of heterosexual and homosexual fits a deconstructive template more so than the binary of male and female, thus rendering sexual orientation and gender different. All people at birth are publicly assigned to one of two genders and because of this are forever unalterable. Sexual orientation, on the other hand, is often times rearrangeable, ambiguous, and has a doubleness quality to it that allows for easy alterations (Sedgwick 2444). Sedgwick does not find the gender binary to be one of complexity, but of a rather simple and unchallengeable one. She states the essentialism of sexual orientation is less easy to maintain, incoherent, stressed and challenged (Sedgwick 2444). There is a contradictoriness to Sedgwick’s claim that sexual orientation is easy to alter and rearrangeable, yet at the same time less easy to maintain. It is, however, this seemingly contradictoriness that makes sexual orientation different from the gender binary. It is this complexity and fluidity that gives sexual orientation its ability to make leaps and bounds across its multinary systems. The most important aspect of the difference between gender and sexual orientation is the fact that one can choose their sexuality, but not their gender. Lacan, Foucault, and Sedgwick all deal with historical values. That is to say, they deal with issues and topics that occur at the early stages of young life, thus making these dealings at the conception level of thought. Lacan’s mirror stage describes a child’s actualization of self. Foucault deals with the history of sex and the history of children’s conception of sex. Sedgwick discusses the differences of sex, sexuality, and gender. The uniqueness of Sedgwick’s notion is that gender is assigned at birth and can never be altered. This ties into Lacan’s mirror stage where once a child realizes its image, and the placement of that image in the world it lives in, it can never un-see that image, and moreover, can never remove that image from its surroundings. Foucault greatly discusses children in his chapter, however he does not delve deeper as to what about children relate to their sex. Sedgwick supplies contextual substance to Foucault’s article that deals mainly with the history of sex and not the sex itself. Lacan’s concept of self-actualization of the I, can be coupled with Sedgwick’s gender assignment at birth, that the I is gendered, and will effect, and often dictate, the child’s asymptomatic journey to reach it. Lacan’s concept of the binary of physical and metaphysical realization of self-image, is the basis for a binary discussion, something either is or is not physically here. Foucault discusses the history of sex and how a binary of speaking about sex or remaining silent does not exist. Sedgwick deals with the gender binary. This theory of dualism, binaries, dichotomy, lays foundation for these authors, and philosophers, and their works.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Immigrant Children and U.S Education Essay

Aware of the free education provided by the United States government to any school age children, immigrants both legal and illegal continue to be attracted to the United States, migrating in an attempt to provide better opportunities for their families and themselves. As the number of illegal immigrants living in the United states continues to rise and the percentage of illegal immigrant households which consist of children also continues to rise, it is important for the American government to examine the effect that these illegal children are having on the United States public education system. How educators and policymakers address the increasing diversification of the population will ultimately determine the stability of communities in the future.In order to produce a more effective public education system for students as a whole, it is important for the government examine the effects of the influx of immigrant students and learn to address the issues in a more productive way.Americans must ask themselves and answer the question, â€Å"How should the government better manage the influx of undocumented immigrant children in the public education system?† In 1982, the supreme court case Plyler v. Doe, ruled â€Å"that public schools were prohibited from denying immigrant students access to a public education. The Court stated that undocumented children have the same right to a free public education as U.S. citizens and permanent residents. Undocumented immigrant students are obligated, as are all other students, to attend school until they reach the age mandated by state law (Olivas).† As an american citizen, it is crucial for our society to realize the effects of allowing illegal immigrants the right to free public education because the effects affect us as individuals and future generations in the american society. It is important for us to see if the benefits of allowing immigrants free education outweighs the strain it puts on our public education system. Researching and answering the question â€Å"How should the government better manage the influx of undocumented immigrant children in the public education system?†, will help americans realize what laws and policies need to be edited, reformed, or added, to greater benefit our society. Answering this question will show us if we need more laws promoting and protecting immigrants rights which would bring in more immigrants or if we should create laws restricting the rights of immigrant children. As immigration continues to increase, and the children of immigrants fill more of the schools, educators will have to recognize and address the social, cultural, political, psychological, and economic complexity that is immigrant education in the twenty-first century. â€Å"Despite several decades of reform, public education in the United States is criticized by some as not teaching all children effectively† (Koehler). Due to poor test results and low graduation rates, many taxpayers criticize public schools and want to see better results. Among many of the issues creating discontent with the public educational system, inequality of opportunity ranks high among citizens. Despite the historical promise of quality education for all children regardless of race, ethnicity, or income, many americans feel that many children do not have equal opportunities to learn and are not likely to attend a quality school. â€Å"Data from the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) reports that 63 percent of fourth graders perform at only basic, or below basic, levels in reading. Sixty-nine percent perform at these levels in mathematics. African-American, Hispanic, and Native American fourth graders perform consistently lower than their white coun terparts†(Koehler). These statistics show that over half of the students in the American educational system fail to learn high thinking skills. â€Å"And once again, this â€Å"bottom half† comprises primarily the poor and ethnic minorities†(Koehler). Majority of immigrants live in poverty.†The poverty rate for immigrants and their U.S.-born children (under 18) is two-thirds higher than that of natives and their children, immigrants and their minor children now account for almost one in four persons living in poverty†(Camarota). The high percentage of immigrants that live in poverty causes majority of their children to attend an underachieving school adding to struggles they already face as an immigrant and effecting their educational success.â€Å"The percentage of immigrants without a high school diploma is 30 percent, more than 3.5 times the rate for natives.†(Camarota). with out proper management of immigrant children in the school system, these underachieving school s will take the blunt force of the student population increase and due to lack of resources and funding the schools have, the schools will continue to strip the students of their equality to opportunity. As the immigration population continues to increase â€Å"immigration has become the determinate factor in population growth. The arrival of 1.5 million immigrants each year, coupled with 750,000 births to immigrant women annually, means that immigration policy is adding over two million people to the U.S. population each year, accounting for at least two-thirds of U.S. population growth†(Camarota), it is important that the government learn how better manage the influx of undocumented immigrant children in the public education system to ensure equality of opportunity to american and immigrant students. As taxpayers, citizens should especially be concerned with the amount of their money that is used to educate immigrants. In January 2011, it was estimated that 11.5 million unauthorized immigrants are currently living in the United States. Of these it is estimated that 1.5 million children attend a public school costing the government an estimated six thousand dollars a year per student. In addition to the six thousands per student the government also pays about $1.5 billion annually to pay the bi-lingual teachers which are necessary to teach and attempt to provide an equal opportunity to immigrant children. All together, the total cost of educating the children of illegal immigrants is around $52,000,000,000. Educating the children of illegal immigrants is by far the single largest cost to American taxpayers. Even though americans are paying large sums of money to educate children of illegal immigrants, â€Å"foreign-born students ages 16-24 had a drop out rate of 29% while students ages 16-24 of foreign born parents had a high school drop out rate of 38.7%†(Illegal immigration statistics). This drop out percentage shows that despite the large amounts of money being spent, the government needs to find a way to better manage the influx of undocumented immigrant children in the public education system. Due to the large number and rising percentage of immigrants in our school system, the immigrants educational success will influence our nations future success. Works Cited Camarota, Steven. â€Å"Immigrants in the United States: A Snapshot of America’s Foreign-Born.† Center for Immigration Studies. Nov. 2002. Web. 03 Apr. 2012. . Website TagsEditDelete Hernandez, Donald J. Demographic Change and the Life of Immigrant Families. Publication. New York: Foundation for Child Development, 2004. Future of Children. Web. . Report TagsEditDelete â€Å"Illegal Immigration Statistics.† Illegal Immigration Statistics. Web. 03 Apr. 2012. . Website TagsEditDelete â€Å"Immigration Statistics.† DHS. Web. 03 Apr. 2012. . Website TagsEditDelete Koehler, Paul, and Joy W. Lewis. â€Å"Criticism of Public Education.† Encyclopedia of Education. 2nd ed. Vol. 5. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2002. 1948-952. Print. Encyclopedia Article TagsEditDelete Olivas, Michael A. No Undocumented Child Left Behind: Plyler v. Doe and the Education of Undocumented Schoolchildren. New York: New York UP, 2012. Print. Book TagsEditDelete Schoorman, Diyls. â€Å"Immigrant Education: Contemporary Issues.† Encyclopedia of the Social and Cultural Foundations of Education. Vol. 2. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2009. 433-35. Print.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Captain Ahab portrayed as monomaniacal in Moby Dick Essay

Monomania, as defined by the American Heritage Dictionary, is the pathological obsession with one subject or idea. In Herman Melville’s novel Moby Dick, an obsession causes monomania in its main character. Through his actions, words, thoughts, and what others think about him, Captain Ahab is truly monomaniacal. Ahab is monomaniacal through his words and thoughts. â€Å"Talk not to me of blasphemy,man; I’d strike the sun if it insulted me.† This shows Ahab’s madness because only he would have the nerve to say that no matter who it is, great or small, he would stand up to them; this includes Moby Dick. Ahab often smokes a pipe, but he realizes something and says â€Å"What business have I with this pipe? This thing that is meant for sereneness, to send up mild white vapors among mild white hairs, not among torn iron-grey locks like mine. I’ll smoke no more.† He admits that he is not a peaceful man, which is quite monomaniacal. Another event that shows Ahab’s monomania is when he talks directly to a dead whale’s head, saying â€Å" Speak, thou vast and venerable head, mighty head and tell us the secret thing that is in thee†¦O head! thou hast seen enough to split the planets and make an infidel of Abraham, and not one syllable is thine!† His obsession leads him to even say that he will pay someone to kill Moby Dick just for the sake of revenge. â€Å"Whosoever of ye raises me that same white whale, he shall have this gold ounce, my boys!† When Ahab finally meets Moby Dick, his monomania hits its high point as his last words before his death are â€Å"Sink all coffins and hearses to one common pool! And since neither can be mine, let me then tow to pieces, while still chasing thee, though tied to thee, thou damned whale! Thus, I give up the spear!† Captain Ahab is not only monomaniacal through his words, but through his actions, also. In one incident, Ahab holds Starbuck at gunpoint just because he asked if he could have a crew of men fix a leak. Is that not an action of a madman? Ahab also breaks the ship’s compass at one point in the story so that the crew learns how the ship moves. He also refuses to recognize the warnings that are presented during gams; he dismisses them without any thought or hesitation because his obsession makes him blind to the reality and stupidity of the search for Moby Dick. Ahab also has no respect for his  fellow sailors, as he has manipulated them quite often. Everyone on the Pequod, especially Ishmael, thought that they were going on a normal whaling voyage, not a suicidal chase for a deadly white whale. If someone is to be called monomaniacal, not only one point of view can confirm that. The thoughts of fellows crew members on the Pequod often comment on how they feel about Ahab. Ishmael describes Ahab as being â€Å"A grand, ungodly, god-like man, Captain Ahab; doesn’t speak much;Ahab’s been in colleges, as well as among the cannibals; been used to deeper wonders than the waves; fixed his fiery lance in mightier, stranger foes than whales.† Queeqeug gives his two cents worth when he says â€Å" More than once did he put forth the faint blossom of a look, which, in any other man, would have soon flowered out in a smile.† Obviously, Ahab did not like to smile, which is something that happy people do. Finally, Stubb comments that â€Å"The sea had jeeringly kept his finite body up, but drowned the infinite of his soul.† He says that Ahab has wasted his soul in pursuit of Moby Dick, and that if it was not for the sea and the white whale, Ahab would not be monomaniacal. Ahab is monomaniacal through what he says, what he does, and what other think of him. He not only manipulates his fellow sailors, he also acts like a madman because of his obsession with the pursuit of Moby Dick. Captain Ahab is seemingly monomaniacal despite what he thinks of himself.

Cultural Dimensions Essay

Culture is one of those terms that have no specific definition because of its diverse nature. It can be looked at from any point of view. However, a basic definition that includes all the important aspects of a culture is ‘the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations’ (Webster, 2008). Culture is very important if one wants to study a society. It can tell a lot about different aspects of the society and this is the reason why different countries deal with issues differently. This paper will outline and discuss the cultures of China, Saudi Arabia and United States of America and will show how, because of differences in cultures, issues like strategy, team communications, influence tactics, conflict management etc are dealt differently in these countries. Towards the end, recommendations to avoid cross cultural differences will be outlined. United States of America The population of United States of America is very diverse. It has people from many backgrounds. However in general, the American culture is said to be one of the most individualistic culture in the world. This means that people are less integrated in forms of groups. They do not depend on each other and are more concerned about themselves than about others. The country also has a higher than world average score for masculinity. This means that there is differentiation between genders to some extent in the American culture. On the other hand, the score in power distance dimension shows that there are not many differences in societal levels. This can be seen in organizational, family or governmental settings. People expect that power will be distributed equally to a greater extent even if someone is lower in the level of hierarchy. Besides this, the score on uncertainty avoidance is also lower than the world average. This means that people are tolerant to uncertainty and there are few rules and regulation present to control results (Hofstede, 2003). One important characteristic about the work culture in United States is that hard work and integrity is appreciated and also, punctuality is valued. Both mean and women are expected to dress according to the surroundings, situation and weather. The culture does not promote or support gift giving in business as it may be considered as bribe (International Business Center, 2003). As mentioned above, because of the cultures individualistic nature, privacy is valued. The lifestyle in general is causal and informal. Americans believe in voicing their opinions and although this direct speaking is sometimes considered as rude in other cultures, it is totally normal among Americans (American Graduate Education, 2007). From the above details, we can tell a lot about how issues like strategy, team communications, influence tactics and conflict management get affected. Since people believe in voicing their opinions, the strategy is usually bold. In addition to this, since any kind of strategy requires its actors to put in all the effort they can possible put in. Be it in an organization, government or even in one’s personal life. The team communication is very effective because of the low power distance characteristic and informal nature of the American culture. The belief that the power distributed to everyone is equal and the informal nature in groups inhibits any kind of barrier in effective teamwork. Gift giving or anything close to bribery is considered very insulting and inappropriate therefore this approach is not widely used in influence tactics. Conflict management is usually done openly without an arbitrator or a third party (American Graduate Education, 2007). As mentioned above, Americans believe in voicing their opinions so this plays a major role in conflict management strategies used nationwide. In order to remove the communication barriers, in my opinion, one would not have to change much about himself because of the presence of a diverse cultures in the population. However, it is suggested that English is used to communicate any kind of verbal information as this is understood and accepted by almost everyone (American Graduate Education, 2007). Regarding dressing, one is suggested to dress appropriately considering the time of the day, weather, occasion and gathering. China Now we come to the Chinese culture. The culture of the people of China is very different from the American culture just discussed above and it is said to be the exact opposite of the America culture. In fact, the Chinese culture is very different, unique and peculiar if one compares it with the rest of the cultures in the world. It is difficult to understand for those who are not a part of it however one does not need to completely understand it before blending in (Think Quest, 1998). We will now look into this in detail. We can prove the above hypothesis correct by comparing the individualism dimension of the American and Chinese cultures. Unlike the America culture, the people of china are very collectivistic. They are integrated tightly, they look after each other and they are highly dependable on the people around them. This can be seen in their family structures and organization values etc. Both the Chinese and American cultures are similar when it comes to the Masculinity dimension. They both score approximately 68 on a scale of 1 to 100. This again is higher than the world average which means that there are slightly more differences between genders in the Chinese culture compared to the rest of the world. The uncertainty avoidance is slightly higher than United States which means people are more tolerable to not have complete information as compare to the American culture. The fourth dimension of Power Distance is also quite higher than the United States meaning that people expect more differences in organizational hierarchies. The American score on Power distance was 45 while the Chinese score is 85 therefore one can imagine the amount of differences in the structures of organizations, governmental institutions and families etc. One major difference is in the long term orientation dimension of the two cultures. While the American culture was more on the lower side of this dimension, the Chinese culture is known to have the highest ranking factor when it comes to long term orientation. These means that people tend to overcome obstacles with time and not with will and strength (Hofstede, 2003). Some other important details of the Chinese culture include being used to the communist form of government. The Chinese culture is very hospitable and accepts people from all backgrounds. Since there is no one particular religion that is followed in the country, anyone can adjust easily (International Business Center, 2003). All these cultural characteristics largely influence many issues in business. For instance any strategy usually requires everyone to stick together and work collectively because of the collectivistic nature of the culture and also teamwork is very effective as people realize that they are dependent on each other. However, because of high power distance, both strategy and team communication is affected. Communication within team becomes more broken as it has to be passed through several levels of hierarchy. The cultural values are imbedded in the he influence tactics. For example these tactics project the idea of togetherness as it is evident from their advertisements that promote family ties and bonds etc (Lin, 2001). The approach to conflict management is including a third party to settle issues. In order to remove the communication barriers, a few things need to be kept in mind. Firstly, it is suggested to not use too much of hand movements as this distracts the audience. Besides this, there are other non verbal gestures that must be avoided. For instance pointing finger may be considered rude therefore such things must be kept in mind in order to ensure effective communication. English is understood widely in the corporate world therefore this is preferred after Chinese of course (International Business Center, 2003). Saudi Arabia Now we will start discussion on the culture of the last country of the paper. This country has also been selected to be studied because of its different and unique culture. The Chinese and Arabian Cultures are similar in the power distance dimension of their cultures. Unlike the American Cultures, the high power distance ranking indicates the inequality of wealth throughout the Arab world. Because of this, the rich of course have more power than the poor. The uncertainty avoidance dimension of the Arabian culture is also very different from the Chinese and the American cultures. While the Chinese and Americans ranked lower than world average on the uncertainty avoidance ranking, the Arabian culture has a higher score in this dimension. Meaning that people do not tolerate uncertainty at all and this can be the reason why there are so many rules, policies and regulations are implemented in the country. Surprising as it may sound, the Arabian culture scored low on the masculinity dimension considering all the restrictions on the Arabian women etc. The score was 52 which is only slightly higher than the world average. The reason for low masculinity ranking could be that all the restrictions on the women of the country are because of the religion and not the culture. The Arabian culture, like the Chinese culture, is more collectivistic. It had an average ranking of 38 which is way lower than that of the American culture and also the world average for that matter. This means people prefer to stick together and remain integrated (Hofstede, 2003). The Arabic culture is largely shaped by its history and religion (Saudi Embassy, 2006). Therefore history, religion and language are valued the most in the Arabian culture. These cultural characteristics affect many practical issues. The strategy devised by Arabs in any situation usually calls for people to remain cohesive. Also because of high uncertainty avoidance, there are many rules, regulations and policies that must be followed. Because of high power distance, like the Chinese culture, effective team communication is affected. But on the other hand, this is compensated for because of collective nature of the culture. The influence tactics are devised keeping the religion in mind. Anything such as bribery or use of women models in advertisements are avoided because this is against Islam. Conflicts are also managed according to the rules of Shari’ah which is the Islamic or Sacred Law (Hooker, 1996). Also, because of the collectivistic nature of the culture a third party is often included in managing conflicts. There are many cultural traits that must be kept in mind in order to improve communication. Firstly, one must keep in mind that during communication, anything he says or does not offend or insult Islam. The people are very sensitive when it comes to the religion therefore one must dress, talk and behave appropriately. There are certain non verbal gestures that are considered offensive such as the thumbs up sign and crossing of legs etc. Therefore one should avoid these. Arabic is preferred by the people there therefore it is preferred is one communicates or at least uses some words from Arabic. One must not ask too many questions are the inquisitive one is considered as the most unimportant and lastly, if an Arab offers a gift, not accepting it may be considered offensive (International Business Center, 2003). References American Graduate Education (2007) U. S. American Culture & Values. Retrieved Oct 1, 2008, from American Graduate Education. Web site: http://www. americangraduateeducation. com/folder2/subfolder2/americanculture. htm Hofstede, G. (2003). China- Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions. Retrieved Oct 1, 2008, from Geert Hofstede. Web site: http://www. geert-hofstede. com/hofstede_china. shtml Hofstede, G. (2003). United States of America- Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions. Retrieved Oct 1, 2008, from Geert Hofstede. Web site: http://www. geert-hofstede. com/hofstede_united_states. shtml Hofstede, G. (2003). 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